Hornsea Three Community Fund – Consultation dates February 2023

A reminder of the public consultation drop-in events we are holding in February 2023.  These events will provide an opportunity to discuss the Hornsea Three Community Fund in more detail.   Everyone is more than welcome, but before you attend please do check you are located within the designated funding zone at the following https://grantscape.org.uk/fund/hornsea-three-community-fund/.

The attached flyer provides dates, times and locations of the various events. You will see we are also holding two virtual events for those that can’t attend the public ones. If you wish to attend a virtual event please do get in contact to book a suitable time.

Please do forward this message or Flyer to any voluntary and community groups in your areas (within the Zone!) to help us promote the events to the widest possible number of people.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01908 247630 or email us at [email protected].

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